Saturday, July 14, 2012

Aparigraha - One of the five Yamas or Moral Codes

One of the Yamas is Aparigraha (a-par-i-gra-ha), which has been translated as “non-hoarding”, “non-possessiveness” and “non-attachment”.  the meaning is so much more complicated than these three simple definitions. But for my posting I like to think it means “taking only what is necessary for you to live”.

I found this website that does a great job defining Aparigraha - the wording it uses resonates in me and sparked me to consider if I have been hoarding or to attached to my strong body and perhaps taking it for granted - which may have resulted in me not being honest (Satya - truthful - one of the Yamas) with myself about my body's limitations. Was I ignoring signals that were telling me something wasn't right? I'm so proud of my strong body and all that it can do - but was my ego - my attachment- my pride in that strong body, blinding me to the truth?

The website says:
"What does “taking only what is necessary for you to live” really mean? This means that we must have the basic objects to live a comfortable, safe and healthy life and that the purpose of material things we have in our life is to allow us to live this way. Instead of thinking of possessions as status symbols or something that represents our success, they should be thought of as simply tools that allow us to accomplish our goals in life."

Now that my body is slowly withering away, ( OK - so not withering away -but boy is it starting to get soft everywhere) and not able to do even a fraction of what it could do before, forces me to realize that I need to be kinder and nicer to this amazing machine - my body- so it can sustain me during this human life.  I need to only take what I need from it to really live. I will treat it with kindness and caring and not be so critical of its limitations - now and in the future.  Does this mean I won't push it when I'm fully recovered? Probably not, but in doing so it won't be for my need to be better or stronger or faster - but to keep it in tip top working order so I can accomplish everything that this life throws at me.


website link if you are interested:

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