Monday, June 25, 2012

Can't at least one thing be easy?

This is my first post since surgery. The last week has been tougher than I ever expected. I discovered that not one thing is easy to do while you are recovering from surgery - NOT ONE. No not even "smiling" as a family member of mine texted me in one of my worst days of recovery. The only thing that would have made me worse that day, would have been if I had thrown that phone at the wall like I wanted to after I recieved that text. The good news is I am feeling a little better today and I still do love my sister in law.

The things we take for granted - those mundane things that are so "inconsequenctial" are the things that are really the glue of our lives. Lose those things like - standing up straight, sleeping on your side, picking up  something that you dropped, washing your face, taking a shower, putting lotion on, making coffee, getting the mail, petting the dog, pooping ( yes I know TMI - but seriously that was the WORST day of recovery so far) and you realize that the great big events of our lives are not really so significant without the ability to  do the simple things that we automaitcally do and have done for so long.

The Yoga Sutra's discuss this "Human Trait" of ours. This trait that dismisses the mundane and routine and sensationalize the pleasure events. The Yoga Sutra's say that this constant gratification seeking is really the undoing of our life. While we think we are getting pleasure from the sensational - in truth it only causes suffering. We are always looking for the next big thrill or new drama or longer bike ride or newest pose we can get into - when what really matters is someting as simple as getting up, breathing and being thankful for just that.

Now for some surgery detail stuff
  • Surgery took about 2 hours.
  • I was fitted with a 36M ceramic ball joint and plastic infused with vitamin E cup. This is supposed to last me 20 -25 years (maker BIOmet)
  • Surgeon took another 100CCs of green stuff out of me during the surgery. He explained that there was more but he was unable to reach it since it was located near arteries and he was afraid of causing any additonal damage.
  • Tthe incision site is gruesome, it is 11 inches long
  • The surgery was mostly without incident, my real issues have been low blood presure and bad reactions to the meds they used during surgery and afterward.
  • The hospital staff at Redlands Community were awesome  and made my "stay" as pleasurable as they could.

Now that I am back among the living - I'll post more frequently.


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