Sunday, June 17, 2012

Envision the future that you want

Last week I was treated to a 2 hour massage by my friend Cheryl. Cheryl is a masseuse as well as a Chinese face reader and specializes in intuitive massage. This means while she is massaging you she often times receives messages from spiritual guides. These messages can help us through difficult issues or simply encourage us to stay on a certain path or change course direction.

After the massage, Cheryl related to me that the spiritual guides reminded me to picture the surgeon performing the surgery, his competent capable hands repairing my injury and making me whole again. By envisioning this I can alleviate anxiety and in a sense feel more acceptance of the surgery since I have already been through it in my mind.

This reminded me that all my life I have used this visualization method to reach my goals. Everything that I have set out to do and ultimately accomplished in my life was at first a vision in my head. By being proactive in my goals - seeing them, planning them, then executing them I was able to accomplish many things in my life. I realized that with the onset of the diagnosis of my hip and impending surgery - I had slipped into reactive mode - reacting to my situation and letting it control me instead of me controlling (not a great word to use) the outcome.

So last night (while I was awake for hours on end) I envisioned the surgeon carefully making me whole again. I also began to see me getting out of the hospital bed and being strong. Accepting help from my doctor, PT, family and friends and learning to walk independently on my own two feet.

I'm liking what I see.



  1. Amy,
    I am Kelly A's aunt and I met you when I was down visiting and went to watch Lindsey cheer. You had just had your hip replacement if my memory serves me correctly, which it often does not :). Having had both hips replaced due to your same condition, the first in 8/05 and second 8/06, we did have something in common. I was just down visiting once again last week when Kelly told me about your ordeal and thus I have just read all of your blog entries. I just wanted to let you know how very sorry I am that you have been and currently are, going through this horrible situation you are faced heart goes out to you! I see that tomorrow you finally go in for yet another surgery and I pray that all goes very well and I will be thinking of you! I will be anxiously awaiting to read your blog to see how it all went and how you are doing and I imagine the blog will be put on hold as you won't be up to it for awhile at least. So just wanted to say Hi and wish you the best....I am sure it will go great...and with your attitude you will be on the road to recovery and back to your Yoga, etc before you know it. Will be staying in touch.....hang in there....I send you a big hug! Susie

  2. Amy,
    Just want to let to know that I'm still thinking and praying for your total recovery. Namaste

